Writing is a process and no process succeeds without failure
- No day spent writing is wasted if you intend on being a writer.
If your story fails to sell, fails to connect with readers, fails to satisfy you as its author; it is only a link in the chain of expression. It was necessary and it is yours. Own it and don’t let shame or regret creep in.
2. Be wary of directives from “Successful” writers.
People who will tell you, “Never Do A. B. or C.” are trying to sell you something. As guidance it’s about as valuable as an adult telling a child to stop being so short. Listen to what they say but do not be discouraged if you cannot follow their advice. Every day spent writing is a success, it is your success no mater how certain the declaration was from that blogger or Tik Toker.
3. Education is a worthwhile investment
Unlike influencers or writers trying to make a buck online, a teacher is invested in your success and development. Their reason for being there is to see you get better. If writing is the point and not just selling your work as a commodity, consider a classroom experience. Otherwise all we have are a bunch of writers hustling other writers.