A writer’s journal of a story it took 20 years to tell
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I often wish I had a second writer in my brain, one that I trusted. I wrote some pages I am happy with today but my own opinion only goes just so far.
This main character has changed about fifty times over the years. Changed gender, changed name, changed age, appeared, disappeared, reappeared and so on.
I am sure she is who she will remain at long last. It is a she and a teenager, fairly close in description to the male character I originally imagined. But as I got older I realized that females were more interesting to write about.
Between the time I was twenty-one and first had this book idea, and now, when I’m about turn forty two, I realized that my struggles as a guy just were not that interesting and I would have to look elsewhere if I wanted to write a teenage character I could personally find interesting.
It is moving along and I wrote some stuff today I thought was good. I just wish I could get someone else who understood the stakes to look at it and realize that it’s going well after all this time.