I loved and have bookmarked this article so I can come back and linger over all the vintage material!
As a broke amateur I was grandfathered in based on what people were willing to give me for free or nearly free. Thus I shot Canon FD film on an AE1 Program gifted from a teacher and Nikon for digital on a D40 a friend sold me when he upgraded in 2010. I still shoot both formats.
With the era of film’s near-demise (2004–2012ish)before its resurgence as a boutique industry (2012-present) you could get film cameras for nearly nothing. Thus the backward compatibility of Nikon glass meant that it took over my shooting as I acquired film bodies based around my supply of useable lenses.
I still have my FD equipment but have zero EOS. Meanwhile as I’ve moved into semi-professional shooting it’s all Nikon because the glass moves between the two formats and for me it’s just about getting to shoot and getting the shot.